Farm Planet Tokenomics

Farm Planet token:

Contract Address: 0xe5e29fc606a3002dec5663568bd6739ac0a6d41c

This is the only Farm Planet token, any other contract is a scam. Please be careful.

Name: Farm Planet

Symbol: FPL

Decimals: 9

Total supply: 10,000,000,000

Land NFT: Game Access | Contract Address

This is the only Farm Planet token, any other contract is a scam. Please be careful.

Contract Address: 0xbc222458B9aC6d2Bf28D30eF1647bfF7f6A53cB8

Name: Land NFT Game Access

Symbol: LandNFT

Decimals: 0

Total supply: 10,000

Token allocation

Presale: 3,450,000,000 FPL

Liquidity: 2,256,940,000 FPL

Private sale: 1,242,000,000 FPL

Team / Bounties / (LOCKED FOR 6 MONTHS) : 982,060,000 FPL

Lock link:

Game Incentives (LOCKED UNTIL 31/01/2022): 2,000,000,000 FPL

Lock link:

Pinksale presale fees: 69,000,000 FPL


There is a 10% tax applied to every transaction.

Marketing + Development: 6%

Reflection (Rewards for holding): 2%

Liquidity: 2%

Last updated